Re: Sharing Your Message about Little Souls
Message written by
December 22, 2006 at 13:55:49:
In Reply to Sharing Your Message about Little Souls posted by Babzer December 20, 2006 at 14:55:06:
: Hi Ken : You have been on my mind so much lately. I am not sure why. It's a good thing though. I frequently look back at the things I have that you have written to me or to others. I get so much inspiration from you and your "adventures" and experiences. : During the past 8 months or so I have become quite active in The Compassionate Friends. I have found that it helps dealing with my grief a bit easier when I help others with theirs. : We recently participated in the Worldwide Candle Lighting that is held each year on the 2nd Sunday in December. I took a copy of your "Little Souls" story and the explanation of why children die so young to share with some of my friends who have lost infants. I thought it may be helpful for them to understand a little. However, as I read it over myself I realized it helped me, again, as well. : My heart aches to the point where no words can describe my pain as I realize over and over again that Quentin's death is real. It's been 2 years and I still have these shocking moments of realization. The thing is so amazing is that I see positive aspects of his death on a daily basis, as well. I can't believe my child is continuously touching the lives of others even still. It seems I am constantly running into people who have lost a child and have no one to turn to for help. The timing is uncanny. Is this what is meant about recognizing my purpose? Do you know if this is my purpose on Earth or part of it? I continue to believe that giving birth to these 6 fabulous children are the only important thing I have ever done. However, I am starting to believe that helping others through their grief as I work through my own may be connected somehow.: You are an amazing man, Ken. Big hugs and God's blessings to you : Love, Barb Hey Barb Well now, very nice to hear from you, and thank you for your very kind words, but thats what sharing our lives is all about. Speaking about sharing our memories and lifes journey, it sure sounds to me like you have found not only your purpose but your destiny in life by helping others with the crossing of your precious child. The crossing of a loved one, especially a child, is like throwing a stone into the lake and causing a ripple affect. Except with the ripple that you have caused,it wont stop when it hits the shoreline, for it shall go on FOREVER. There will ALWAYS be other souls in grief that you can help. Your child gave you the most precious gift to share that anyone can give, COMPASSION and SHARING. Your Little Souls destiny continues on the Other Side, as his gift has been delivered on the Earthly plane. Im extremely blessed that you have came to Reaching For Joy to share your journey through life, as it makes a beautiful Christmas present to all, especially your LITTLE SOUL. Reaching For Joy Ken
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