Grief & Bereavement Forum

Message written by

March 03, 2007 at 17:45:03:

In Reply to
posted by
Darlene B
March 01, 2007 at 10:26:46:

: Ken- I was sent to your website from another web site i had found ADC. My son was murdered on Jan 8th 2007, i still have not had an ADC, i do know if he is okay, i am terribly lost and confussed. Is it that i want to hear from him so bad that i am blocking him from coming thru? I just need to know he is okay, and he knows how much I (we) love and miss him.

Hello Darlene

First of all let me say that my thoughts of healing energy are sent the way of you and your family. Your son is doing just fine on the Other Side, as he also must go through an orientation and getting used to his new Spiritual surroundings. My best friend was murdered six months before I had my Near Death Experience, and when I crossed over he was there to greet me on the Other Side. I for one can guarantee you 100% that your son is surrounded by the purest of pure Love and Light.
As for getting some A.D.C.S. from your son, when the timing is right for you son, ( no time on the Other Side ) he will most certainly send one your way, Theres never a time limit on when you might get one or not, and if your to busy looking for a large A.D.C. you just might miss some smaller ones. If you have any more questions for me I will be more than blessed to help you on your journey. Take care, and remember that there is no such thing as death, only rebirth to the Other Side.

Reaching For Joy


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