Grief & Bereavement Forum

Message written by

December 01, 2012 at 19:22:06:

I lost my 9 yr old boy 1 week before Easter 2012 and my other 10 yr old boy 1 week after the same Easter. First boy to prostate cancer, the other to tongue cancer. I reeled in anguish and am still on the edge to join them. I was responsible for them. Are they scared? In pain? Wondering where I am? Waiting for me? Words of comfort do not work for me...who knows for sure. Everyday I feel incredible loss. I either need them here with me or I need to be with them. When I think of them, it's like someone literly hits me in the chest. I am a mess. I break down whenever I think of them. This is surreal. My boys are both dogs...not that that matters  

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